Hochschulpartnerschaften in der Universität Konstanz in Westeuropa auf einer Karte
Hochschulpartnerschaften in der Universität Konstanz in Westeuropa auf einer Karte

Complete your (optional or compulsory) internship abroad!

“Practical experience” is key for students and graduates who are job-hunting. If you have gained the required experience during an internship abroad, you could enjoy a competitive advantage. Why not take the opportunity and complete an internship abroad?

Where can I find internships?

The Career Service database includes current internship opportunities, including internships abroad. Different departments also have their own databases with internship opportunities and sometimes even experience reports from past interns. Contact your department for more information.

Additional links to help you find an internship are included in the blue box. Visit the DAAD website (German Academic Exchange Service) to find more interesting links.

If you are interested in an Erasmus+ internship in Europe, please visit:  ErasmusIntern.org

If you are studying the natural sciences or engineering, IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) can help you find a relevant internship in an IAESTE member country. The University of Konstanz IAESTE Team has office hours once a week.

The RISE programme provides bachelor’s and teacher education students in the natural sciences the opportunity to complete a research internship abroad. Calls for applications and registration are available each year, usually in November/December. Important: The deadline for intenships in Canada is in September.

You can find additional information on the RISE programme website.

More information about scholarships for internships abroad for student teachers can be found on the BiSE Webiste Auslandsstudium & Auslandspraktika für Lehramtsstudierende.

You found an internship! What’s next?

We highly recommend you check the quality of the internship, especially if the position was found through a recruiting agency. A summary of criteria you should use is included in the Qualitätscheck Auslandspraktikum brochure (in German).

Often, an internship abroad is more expensive to finance than an internship in Konstanz or the surrounding area. Make sure you get informed early about possible funding options. Please visit the DAAD scholarship finder

Are you interested in an Internship is Israel? The University of Konstanz offers funding options for work placements in Israel. Get more information about terms of condition and the application process by contacting us per email.

I can definitely recommend a school placement abroad in South Africa to anyone who is willing to step out of their comfort zone.
Nathalie Reif, German International School Cape Town, South Africa

Hallo, ek is Nathalie! Hi, I am Nathalie!
With Erasmus+ WELTWEIT, I spent three months in South Africa at the "German International School Cape Town"". I really enjoyed the secondary school internship and I am grateful for the many new experiences and contacts. I can definitely recommend a school placement abroad in South Africa to anyone who is willing to step out of their comfort zone. In Cape Town and South Africa you can expect...

...a great school day at the DSK with opportunities to get involved
...cultural challenges
...moving history that can still be felt today
...warm-hearted people
...breathtaking nature and animal diversity
...a country with a total of 11 official languages
...great outdoor opportunities