Our international profile
Our over 220 international partners and strong network in research and teaching enhances the internationality of our students and researchers and confirms our welcoming culture.
The University of Konstanz is continuously enhancing its international reputation as well as its research and teaching excellence. Diverse accomplishments contribute to our international competitiveness and excellent academic networks in countries in the Lake Constance region, including Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany. These activities include attracting outstanding international researchers and students and the productive cooperation with excellent international research universities.
Forty-one percent of our students study abroad. At the same time, 12,9% of students, 25% of doctoral students and 14% of professors come from outside of Germany.
The goal of the International Office is to enhance our university's internationality - in research, teaching, study and administration. This is a continuous and dynamic developmental process that is based on the fundamental principle of “research led teaching”. Our worldwide networks of partnerships and strategic cooperations reinforce this guiding principle.
The International Office is able to support a variety of international activities in research and teaching: from short stays by guest lecturers and doctoral students to summer schools, international workshops and start-up funding for new collaborations. State, national and European funds (e.g. DAAD, Landesstiftung, Erasmus+) as well as the German Excellence Initiative and other programmes finance these efforts. We network a great deal with other organisational units at the university on tasks that involve us all.
Responsibilities of the International Office
- supporting the rector and the departments with strategic considerations and organisational development in regards to internationalisation
- acquisition of third-party funding and awarding funds to promote internationalisation
- advising, implementing, monitoring and reporting on centralised and decentralised internationalisation projects in teaching, research and continuing education
- developing international marketing strategies
- planning, budgeting , implementing, documenting and evaluating international projects
- DAAD applications: advising, applying, implementing, financial coordination, reporting and controlling
- advising students interested in studying abroad and administering exchange programmes in Europe and overseas
- advising researchers and research support personnel interested in mobility programmes
- awarding scholarships to students studying abroad
- supporting and advising the departments and the rectorate in initiating, implementing and maintaining international partnerships and collaborations
Welcoming culture
- intensive orientation programmes and support services for international students make it easier to begin your experience at our German university and make the most of your studies abroad.
- the Welcome Center supports international junior researchers in all not-academic related matters - from planning and preparing for Konstanz to the actual participation during your stay in Konstanz.
- certification of inter-cultural competencies in cooperation with university staff development