Excellence in research

As an University of Excellence, we carry out research at the highest international level. One of our major strengths has always been our ability to unlock potential by bringing researchers with mutual interests and research agendas together, irrespective of their disciplinary backgrounds.

Research priorities

Currently, the University of Konstanz has five research priorities. These profile areas share an interdisciplinary research orientation and are continually developing through close transdisciplinary research collaboration across departments and faculties. They bring excellent researchers together and allow them to pool their shared research interests, thereby generating new ideas and innovative approaches to solving global challenges in science and society.

The research profile of the University of Konstanz is being further developed in a dynamic process involving the university committees. The Senate decided on the latest update at its meeting on 24 July 2024 and announced a broader discussion with a focus on emerging fields of research for a meeting in the fall.

Emerging fields of research

Our emerging fields of research are current topics of great joint interest to our departments. Emerging fields of research contribute to the University of Konstanz’s dynamic profile-building process.

Building a university's profile is always a dynamic process. This is why we continually review and develop our research priorities and emerging fields of research.