sustainable.together: approaches and challenges towards a sustainable University of Konstanz

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2022
9 bis 9:40 Uhr

UFO – Universiteitsforum Green Hub, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33, 9000 Gent

Veranstaltet von

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr. Hilmar Hofmann (Head of Staff Unit Sustainability) and N.N. (Member of the student-led Green Office)

If the historic 2015 Paris Agreement on Sustainable Development Goals was a turning point, COP 26 in Glasgow was the wake-up moment that the climate emergency requires concerted, accelerated action. It charted a new course in the global challenge to address climate change.

It provided an impetus for universities to demonstrate even more visibly, the unique role that they can play in effecting lasting change in relation to climate change by virtue of their role as knowledge-intensive organisations and engines of innovation.

But it also presaged the need for universities to be more ambitious in getting their own houses in order as net zero institutions.

In this post-pandemic re-launch of HUMANE’s Sustainability Summit, we will explore what our host institution, Ghent University, along with five other universities from around Europe, are doing to achieve ‘change that sticks’ in implementing their sustainability and social responsibility strategies

  • How is an institution’s sustainability and social responsibility agenda best led?
  • How are internal and external stakeholders engaged to commit to organisational sustainability goals?
  • How is student opinion and activism harnessed to achieve positive momentum?
  • What are the big barriers that must be overcome to take sustainability strategies forward?
  • How is progress measured, reported and rewarded?

With speaker contributions from around Europe, student activists and others playing a leading role in helping universities to achieve their net zero ambitions, participants will be engaged in an immersive, interactive and practical learning experience.

You’ll have the opportunity to discuss in detail both the successes and challenges of different institutional approaches to achieving genuine sustainability and widen your international networks for your own and your institution’s future development.

The programme commences on Sunday evening the 1st of May at an informal get-to-know-each-other dinner.

The full programme for 2-3 May can be accessed by clicking here.

Register here to secure a place – this is a popular programme and places are available on a limited, first come first served basis. A waitlist will be available in case of cancellations

The Seminar Fee is €1,155 for HUMANE Members (€1,600 for non-HUMANE Members). This includes lunches and coffee breaks on Monday and Tuesday plus dinner on Sunday and Monday evening. It does not include travel or accommodation.

The full programme is available here and you can register your place by clicking: here