At the University of Konstanz, two Equal Opportunities Representatives, one each for academic and non-academic staff, advocate for equal opportunities issues on behalf of their respective university members in various university bodies.
Equal Opportunities Representatives (for academic staff)
As a central ombudsperson, the Equal Opportunities Representative works closely with the Equal Opportunities Council to prevent and eliminate any discrimination against women at any stage of their academic careers, during their studies and in all areas of the university. The aim is to ensure that all work and study conditions are equal for women and men and to guarantee that women have equal access to research opportunities. She is a voting member in the Senate and is represented in all university bodies and committees. The Equal Opportunities Representative chairs the Equal Opportunities Council, one of the University of Konstanz’s Senate committees.
Equal Opportunities Representative (for academic staff)
Professor Isabell Otto
Deputy and Equal Opportunities Representative (for academic staff) in the Faculty of Sciences
Professor Lutz Becks
Deputy and Equal Opportunities Representative (for academic staff) in the Faculty of Humanities
Professor Tamara Rathcke
Deputy and Equal Opportunities Representative (for academic staff) in the Faculty of Politics, Law and Economics
Professor Peter Selb
Other Equal Opportunities Representatives
Equal Opportunities Representative (for academic staff) in the Centre of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”
Professor Tanja Kupisch
Equal Opportunities Representatives (for academic staff) in the Centre of Excellence “Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour”
Dr Einat Couzin-Fuchs and Dr Ahmed El Hady
Equal Opportunities Representative (for non-academic staff)
The Equal Opportunities Representative (for non-academic staff) is responsible for all academic support staff. Her work is governed by both Baden-Württemberg’s Chancengleichheitsgesetz (equal opportunities law) and the university’s own equal opportunities plan. In this plan, the university commits to promoting equal opportunities among men and women working in the academic support services. The Equal Opportunities Representative and her deputy are elected every five years by the female employees in the academic support services.
Equal Opportunities Representative (for non-academic staff)
Inés Eckerle
Deputy Equal Opportunities Representative (for non-academic staff)
Britt Hummel