Team Gender Equality

Gudrun Damm

Mentoring Coordinator


Phone: +49 7531  88-4780

Room: G 408

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Office Hours

Please contact me for an appointment.


- Overall coordination of the mentoring programs for female students and scientists
- Coordination of the mentoring program Konstanz (tandem female students/graduates)
- Consulting and implementation of Konstanzia MEIN "Mentoring with Experts and International Networking", Konstanzia Fellowship and Konstanzia Duo
- Coordination of the femal professors club

Tanja Edelhäußer

Deputy Director Equal Opportunity Office


Phone: +49 7531  88-5314

Room: E 613

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Office Hours

Office hours by appointment


- Deputy Head of the Department
- Equality monitoring and controlling
- Coordination of the calls for proposals of the Equal Opportunities Council and the Ministry of Science as well as consultation
- Program coordination and consulting "Science Goes Family"
- Project coordination of the female professors program
- Coordination of gender-equitable promotion of young scientists
- Coordination of the charter and network "Family in Higher Education"

Elisabeth Hutter

Coordinator for equal opportunities in research funding


Phone: +49 7531  88-2359

Room: E607

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Kerstin Melzer

Coordinator for Staff Development & Dual Career


Phone: +49 7531  88-2430

Room: E 614

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Office Hours

Please contact me for an appointment.


  • Coordination of the Dual Career Program
  • Advising on employment opportunities for life partners of new scientists coming to the University of Konstanz
  • Coordination of the Regional Dual Career Network Lake Constance
  • Personnel development for the science support sector
  • Coordination of Healthy University (BGM)

Juliane Moin

Coordinator for gender equitable appointment management


Phone: +49 7531  88-3149

Room: E605

Post office box: 059

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Office Hours

Please make an appointment


  • Gender equitable implementation of appointment procedures
  • Gender mainstreaming and governance of selection procedures
  • Gender-equitable personnel policies and procedures in science and academia
  • Active recruitment

Susanne Münn

Coordinator for equal opportunities in research funding


Phone: +49 7531  88-2359

Room: E607

Post office box: 059

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Office Hours

Mon from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wed+Thu from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Marion Woelki

Director Equal Opportunity Office


Phone: +49 7531  88-2032

Room: E 604

Post office box: 59

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Office Hours

Office hours by appointment


- Management of the department
- Overall responsibility for the areas of equality, family support and diversity
- Management of the Equal Opportunity Council and its Awards Committee
- Consultation and cooperation with the Equal Opportunity Officer, the Prorector for International Affairs, Equality and Diversity, the Family Representative and the Contact Person for Anti-Discrimination
- Project management of the equality and diversity measures in the Excellence Strategy
- Advice and support for departments and institutions on equality goals, concepts and measures
- Acquisition of third-party funding (e.g., female professors program)
- Advice on gender discrimination
- Project management of the DAAD projects DIES, Integra and Be Welcome