What are installations subject to inspection?
These are installations which have to be tested regularly for their safety due to their design or their hazard potential. Pressurised gas cylinders must be permanently leak-proof and must not crack. Interference radiators must be shielded so that radiation cannot escape uncontrolled.
During technical inspections, all relevant characteristics of the unit in question must be checked as to their condition, presence and, if applicable, functionality.
This also includes checking whether the facility in question observes the relevant official stipulations and maintains proper documentation.
- Übersicht über die wichtigsten prüfpflichtigen Anlagen und Betriebsmittel (publisher: Landesunfallkasse Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg) (overview of the most important facilities and equipment that must be inspected on a regular basis) (in German) (PDF, 415 KB)
- Übersicht über die zu prüfenden Anlagen und Arbeitsmittel in experimentellen Arbeitsbereichen/Labore (overview of facilities and equipment subject to inspection in experimental workspaces/laboratories) (in German) (DOC, 107 KB)
- Prüfungen im Labor - Ergänzung zu Abschnitt 7 „Prüfungen” der Laborrichtlinien „Sicheres Arbeiten in Laboratorien – Grundlagen und Handlungshilfen“ (DGUV Information 213-850) (laboratory inspections, supplement) (in German)
- Leiternprüfblatt (control sheet for the inspection of ladders) (in German) (DOC, 86 KB)