Emergencies involving poison and acid

Poisonous and corrosive substances are widely used in university laboratories. Accidents will happen, but sometimes these turn into emergencies requiring quick and decisive action.

Here, you will find basic rules and guidelines on how to behave in case of an emergency as well as information on what special equipment is available in the so-called “Giftnotfallkoffer” (poison emergency kit). The contents are administered by the rapid intervention team (SEG), which should be consulted during major emergencies. It may even make sense to have the kit brought to the scene of the accident even while other relief measures are being taken, so that the SEG first responders can act more quickly once they arrive on the scene.

Emergency kits for accidents involving poison or corrosive substances are available at the following locations:

  • building L 7
  • building P 9
  • building M 11
  • building ML 5
  • building U 2

Your first priority in case of emergency should be to remove the poisonous substance / call university emergency services: phone extension -2222

  • Clean the affected skin areas, but don’t spread the contaminant (make sure that the water is warm, use the emergency shower if necessary)
  • Remove contaminated clothing, if necessary
  • Rinse eyes with water as quickly as possible (eye shower), for at least 10 minutes
  • Protect the healthy, unaffected eye!
  • Sip water to dilute any poisonous substances in the stomach
  • Don’t make yourself/the affected person vomit
  • Provide psychological first aid
  • Keep the injured person warm

Please note that it is usually a member of the rapid intervention team (SEG) that will initiate treatment from the poison emergency kit.

  • If the injured party was exposed to chemical substances: rinse the eyes with Previn® solution
  • Medicinal charcoal for phenol poisoning
  • Junik® aerosol (cortisone spray, e.g. if irritant gasses were inhaled)
  • The antidote to fluoric acid is available in all relevant workspaces (Hexafluorine® eye washing solution, HF antidote gel, Calcium-Frubiase® vials). You will find the Junik® cortisone spray in the poison emergency kit.