Workshop: Design: Thinking, Making, Doing.Thinking about design and thinking with design to solve big questions

The Zukunftskolleg invited everyone to the workshop.

23 November 2022: Kick-Off of the Workshop via Zoom
18-21 April 2023: Workshop Part I in Jerusalem
24-28 July 2023: Workshop Part II in Konstanz

Using a “Design theory” methodology, the symposiums had four interlocking main themes or “wicked questions”, all of which are of an inter-disciplinary nature, and are highly relevant to ongoing and future challenges we face as researchers:

 · How can we contribute to/ stimulate/ inspire different Nations, with different agendas, towards the common-good of planetary health?

· How can we include more diverse perspectives in the decolonization of science (including diversity discourse)?

· How can our science communication have a higher impact on society and governance?

· How can we raise awareness about successful psychological treatment and healing interaction in everyday life?

This was a great opportunity to expand our academic networks, represent the Zukunftskolleg and engage in inter-disciplinary research on these important issues.