Terahertz spectroscopy - filling up the gap of optical frequency

Jour fixe talk by Takayuki Kurihara on June 20, 2018

Takayuki is a Research Fellow affiliated with the Department of Physics.

Terahertz (THz) is a unit of frequency of oscillation, namely, 1THz=1000GHz=10^12Hz. The electromagnetic field (light) at this region of frequency has been regarded a "gap" region for a long time in spectroscopy, since it cannot be accessed by neither electric circuit technologies nor conventional optical sources. The situation has drastically changed after the advancement of ultrafast femtosecond lasers, by the invention of so called terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Nowadays, terahertz waves find applications not only in laboratories but also in daily lives. In his talk, Takayuki presented the applications and some examples of the cutting-edge fundamental sciences that has been realized with this unique field of light.