A network of different people are linked together

Advisory Services Network

The Advisory Services Network is an association of various advising institutions and individuals at the University of Konstanz who advise prospective und current students.

Prospective and current students should be competently informed, advised and accompanied in all phases of their student career in order to develop their personal study and career goals and to ensure their academic and professional success. The Network Advisory Service supports all advising professionals at the University of Konstanz in fulfilling this task in the best possible way.

The goals of the network are

  • to improve the exchange of information between the different advising institutions and advising persons (network meetings).
  • to provide participating persons with opportunities to reflect on their advising activities (collegial advising).
  • to expand the advising competence within the university (advanced training program).

Orientation for one's own advising activities is also provided by the quality standards of good advising, which the Department for Equality, Family Support and Diversity adopted in coordination with the Equal Opportunity Council of the University of Konstanz on 01.12.2021.

You can get an overview of the advisory services for students at the University of Konstanz with the network poster.