Sponsoring - short and sweet
Event sponsoring by businesses from the private sector has become an integral part of financing such events. Understandably, the sponsoring of activities needs to take place in accordance with both the sponsor’s requirements and the legal framework for financing set out by the state of Baden-Württemberg. We have created a sample sponsoring contract (in German) which will need to be signed by the Financial Affairs Division.
The university highly encourages establishing contacts with businesses. Since the university already has contacts to potential sponsors, please contact Communications and Marketing before you begin approaching sponsors.
Sponsoring information guide
A sponsor information guideline can be especially helpful for acquiring sponsoring partners. Here, you will find an overview of the services each party will provide as well as general information about the event. However, cold calling is rarely successful if you are trying to acquire major sponsors. Instead, you should use existing personal contacts to get your foot in the door. A sponsor information guide, which you can send directly to potential sponsors, can be useful once you reach the negotiation stage. By contrast, if you are planning a conference exhibition, you can use the sponsor information guide to generate interest among potential exhibitors even before reaching this stage.
Services you might want to offer potential sponsors include:
- exhibition space at a conference exhibition
- advertisement in the event programme
- free admission to the conference
- advertising materials in the conference folders
- the company logo on the website, posters, programmes, abstract band, banners etc.
We would be happy to advise you further on the matter.
Financial support for your event
Are you organising a conference or meeting and still looking for a suitable source of funding? Research Support can assist you. The Research Support team researches and collects information about relevant funding programmes and can help you submit an application after identifying a potential programme.
University of Konstanz Society (UGK)
The University of Konstanz Society (UGK) provides funding for research and teaching activities at the university, continuing academic education as well as international exchanges for students and researchers. In addition, the society strives to strengthen connections between the university, the business community and the general public.
University Alumni Association (VEUK)
The University Alumni Association (VEUK) provides financial support for academic events. The association’s goal is to promote research and education and to provide opportunities for graduates, instructors and students to exchange ideas and experiences.
German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) provides grants for international academic events in Germany. Volkswagen Foundation.
Volkswagen Foundation
The Volkswagen Foundation’s goal is to improve the pre-conditions and framework for research and education, including the career perspectives for young researchers, interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration as well as the academic discourse in new scientific disciplines.
Fritz Thyssen Foundation
The Fritz Thyssen Foundation sponsors scientific events, especially smaller national and international conferences aiming to facilitate discussions about and solutions for specific scientific problems, as well as activities and measures designed to foster research collaborations and partnerships between scientists both within their own fields of study as well as between different subjects.
You can request funding for the following subject areas:
- History, language & culture
- The interdisciplinary subject: “Image and imagery”
- State, economy & society
- The interdisciplinary subject: “International relations”
- Medicine and natural sciences
German Foundation for Peace Research
As a research promotion institution, the German Foundation for Peace Research supports innovative projects in the area of peace and conflict research.
The foundation offers the following formats as part of its conference portfolio:
- up to 10,000 euros for scientific workshops
- up to 20,000 euros for international scientific conferences
Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
In order to foster international exchange in chemistry and its neighbouring disciplines, the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie provides the means for foreign scientists to speak at conferences that are held in Germany.
Gerda Henkel Foundation
The Gerda Henkel Foundation focuses on supporting researchers from Germany and abroad who are active in the historical humanities, especially history, archaeology, art history and the historical subdisciplines. For a number of years, the foundation has run special programmes on pressing topics such as “Islam, the modern nation state and transnational movements” or “Security, society and state”.