Monitoring and accounting of greenhouse gas emissions

Every institution has its own individual carbon footprint. The aim of the working group for greenhouse gas monitoring and accounting is to obtain a realistic and complete picture of the university’s CO2 emissions and corresponding activities. The team will work out framework conditions and basic principles to make comprehensive accounting possible.

How do people travel to the university?
Greenhouse gas monitoring means that the entire CO2 emissions of the University of Konstanz will be recorded based on the internationally introduced and recognized Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). This not only includes the operations of our facilities, buildings and car pool, but also the ways students and staff members travel to the university. CO2 emissions in the area of research will be monitored as well as emissions in the context of waste disposal.

Ideas and suggestions welcome!
The annual emissions reports will provide the basis for developing a university climate strategy and will prepare us for potential future accounting and reporting obligations. “The data can also be used to compare the agreed national and international CO2 reduction targets with the emissions at the University of Konstanz in order to document our contribution to climate protection”, explains Klaus Schrodin, speaker of the sub-team and member of Facility Management. Ideas and suggestions on the topic of reducing CO2 emissions are always very welcome, also from university members who do not belong to the sub-team.