International Office

Internships in Germany and abroad

Tuesday, 14. May 2024
17:00 - 18:30


Career Service in Kooperation mit dem International Office, Universität Konstanz

Verena Ladegast, International Office und Eva Maisel, Career Service, Universität Konstanz

Information on application, programmes and funding opportunities.

Your career begins already during your studies:

A well-chosen internship can be your ticket to a successful professional life. Internships provide insights into various areas of professional activity and thus serve as a chance for career orientation. But they also provide you with actual work experience – a detail highly appreciated by employers.

The following questions will be answered among others:

What types of internships are there and which one suits me? How and where can I find a suitable internship? How do I apply? How do I make the most of my internship? How do I find the right internship abroad? And what funding opportunities are there?

Participation is free of charge. Just join us using this link.

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