Melanie Frey

Lecturer (wiss. Mitarbeiterin) of American Studies, Prof. Müller

Room: G 506
Phone: +49 7531 88 4507

Office hours:
Wednesdays, 13:00 - 14:00

Please register for the office hour via mail at least 24 hours in advance. Please also indicate whether you prefer meeting in-person on campus or online via Zoom.


I am a doctoral researcher and member of the ERC-funded research project "Off the Road: The Environmental Aesthetics of Early Automobility." Using fictional and nonfictional automobile narratives between 1890-1930, I examine the formation of the road trip as a genre. My dissertation’s aim is to find and analyze previously unexamined road literature in the context of antecedent travel writing – pioneer narratives between 1820-1860 – to highlight which methods, tropes, and strategies were employed to articulate this new form of travel in American literature.

Current courses

Title Type
The American Road Movie Introductory Seminar