Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news

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“Equal Pay Day”: Inequality in the Labour Market

17 March is ‘Equal Pay Day’: By that date, 21 percent of the year is over, exactly the 21 percent that women in Germany on average earn less than men. This means that a given ‘average woman’ would work for free up until this date if she received a man’s average salary for the rest of the year. On this occasion, we talk to Susanne Strauß, professor of sociology and a specialist in gender studies.

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Getting to the root of locust plagues

SERVICE FOR EDITORIAL OFFICES: Konstanz research expedition investigates causes for the current locust swarms in Africa and the collective decision-making processes of the animals – information service for editorial offices and possibility of journalistic onsite visits.

Research Videos of Zukunftskolleg Fellows

Keen to know what young scientists at the University of Konstanz's Zukunftskolleg are working on? Then have a look at the research videos some of them produced as part of a video competition, presenting the fellow´s individual research or a joint research project.

Immune to influence

A University of Konstanz study examining vaccine-related attitudes reveals that our beliefs are so resilient that we effectively immunize ourselves to the opinions of others.

Testphase von ICARUS wird fortgesetzt

Der neue On-Board-Computer (OBC-I) für ICARUS hat die Internationale Raumstation (ISS) erreicht und wird am Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2019, installiert werden.

Vulturine guineafowl move in highly cohesive groups. This cohesion allows them to coordinate their actions as they move together through the landscape, and therefore maintain stable group membership over extensive periods of time. Image credit: James Klarevas

Complex society discovered in birds

The first existence of a multilevel society in a non-mammalian animal shows that large brains are not a requirement for complex societies